A bump on gums isoften a sign of a serious problem. However, it could be something more benignand not at all serious. There are several reasons why you might have a bump on yourgum. This article will look at the causes and treatments for different types ofbumps on gums.
Gum boils arepus-filled bumps that develop in the gums and can be painful. They're sometimescalled an oral abscess or impetigo, depending on the severity of the infection.Gum boils are typically caused by poor oral hygiene or an immune systemdisorder, but if you have diabetes, a gum boil may signify other seriousconditions like periodontitis (gum disease).
The good news isthat most people who get a gum boil will recover from their condition within 7days without needing any treatment (in fact, we recommend taking some time offfrom brushing anyway since too much pressure could worsen things). You'll wantto avoid spicy foods during recovery so there's no risk of swallowing pieceswith small bits still attached, which could cause more damage later down theroad when they come back up again after eating something acidic like lemonade)
A pyogenic granulomais a small bump that forms on your gum tissue. It usually grows slowly andisn't painful, but it can cause swelling and sometimes bleeding. A blood testcan help determine if you have a pyogenic granuloma, but sometimes it'sdifficult to diagnose because the bumps can look like other disorders.
For most people,having one or two pyogenic granulomas doesn't mean they have any major healthissues; they usually go away without treatment within a few months. If yourbody has trouble fighting off infections or if you have another condition thatmakes you more likely to get infections (such as diabetes or HIV), though, yourdoctor may suggest treatment with antibiotics or surgery to remove the bump toavoid complications from untreated pyogenic granulomas.
The eruption cystalso called a gingival or infundibular cyst, is a small sac of fluid that canform over the tooth socket. The formation of an eruption cyst is relativelycommon after wisdom teeth are removed and usually requires no treatment. It mayhappen to one or several teeth at once, though they're most common in the lowerjaw.
Eruption cystsdevelop as a result of trauma during surgery or infection caused by bacteriaentering through the surgical wound, which can lead to inflammation andswelling around your gum line where your tooth was removed. Once this happens,you'll notice small blisters forming along your gum line where your wisdomtooth once stood—and these blisters may feel tender when touched (though notpainful).
If you have anasopalatine duct cyst, it's important to know that it's a benign(non-cancerous) growth. That being said, these cysts can be painful and causeother issues if left untreated.
In most cases,nasopalatine duct cysts are painless and don't cause any problems. They usuallyoccur in young adults and may be more common in women than in men. But they canalso occur in children—or even newborns!
Typically only oneside of the palate has a nasopalatine duct cyst—the other side will be normaland not affected by this type of growth.
Canker sores, also known as aphthous stomatitis and oral ulcers,are small, round red lesions that usually appear in the mouth. They're quitecommon, affecting up to a third of the population at some point during theirlives. The sores usually last around two weeks and can be painful.
Canker sores arecaused by a virus that attacks the cells in the mouth when you have an infectionlike a cold or flu. Vitamin deficiencies and stress can also cause them — ifyou're under too much pressure or feeling run down and tired, your immunesystem will likely become weakened, making them more likely to appear on yourgums!
See your dentist if you have a bump on your gums causing pain ordiscomfort. They can help determine the cause of your gum swelling andrecommend treatments that are appropriate for your situation. If you want toreduce the risk of developing gum disease in the future, make sure to brushtwice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss regularly!