Welcome to Workforce TeleDental, your partner in restoring smiles and getting injured workers back on the job!
Please be aware that to check in, you need to be an injured worker with a dental injury. You will also need your claim number, the date of your injury, the name and contact information of your adjuster, and the name of your carrier.
Your virtual consultation will be with one of our dentists who will evaluate your dental injury, provide basic treatment to alleviate your pain, and determine the type of dental specialist best suited to treat your injury.
Workforce Dental has been engaged by your insurance carrier to facilitate treatment for your dental injury. After your consultation today, Workforce Dental will contact you with the next steps in addressing your injury.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-877-649-1318 or email us at info@workforcedentalsolutions.com
1204 S. Broad Street, #314
Brooksville, Florida 34601